"Me" "How you started" "Where". It's always good to try something different, learn something new. This month I've been taking part in something called March Meet the Maker, which is happening on Instagram. I've not been using Instagram very long, so thought joining in with a daily challenge would be a good way of expanding my reach a little. It's only half way through the month and already I have learnt so much and found some really interesting makers from all over the world! Routine : where all my computer stuff gets done and where I am writing this blog post. Chair, piano stool, laptop. Sorted. How it works : A daily prompt is provided by #marchmeetthemaker founder, Joanne Hawker. This ranges from Who are you? to Where do you make? to Helpers, Boomerang and Flatlay. Yes, I know, I had to find out about the last two! But what makes me feel a whole lot better about that is the fact that I've seen plenty other people asking what they mean as well. I am not alone, which is good. Prompts have also included How you Started and Dreams and Plans, which have provided food for thought, looking into both the past and the future! It's been a thought provoking time. I have probably spent even more time than normal (and I already spend quite a lot) on social media these past two weeks, but I've seen some really interesting posts, especially the ones about how people started making. There are milliners, illustrators, potters, ceramicists and jewellers out there, all making lovely things. Flatlay (photo from above) Dreams & Plans Work clothes If you want to see how I get on with this challenge for the rest of the month, just pop over to Instagram - I am there @pebbleson
Today's prompt is Helpers - here is the photo I will be posting of our lovely new furry friend! He's called Pepe and helps me by creeping up on my knee when he thinks I've been on my laptop long enough and it's time for a walk. Time for a walk in the woods, some fresh air and some space to switch off or plan what's next.
![]() I found something new on the internet recently. At least I thought it was new. It was all clean and shiny. A new idea. A neat little slide show with words and pictures combined. It had an attractive name. It was simple to use. Or so they said. And it seemed to be. At least to start with. Until I tried changing font size. I worked it out, but it was a quick fix, a workaround, a temporary solution. Time was of the essence. I wanted something neat, even though it was just an experiment. So I managed to put this together, using images from my multitudinous folders of photographs, and some words I made up on the spot. It's a tad cheesy, I think. Maybe not. It has to do with stopping and looking and noticing the small things. Something I have not being doing enough, recently. And I am paying the price. Later, when I came to downloading what I had made, I discovered it was not so all-new, all-shiny after all. It was a product which I have been using for years (certainly for the time I spent lecturing) and which is widely treated with disdain. Yep, you guessed it. Powerpoint. Only the lovely new version is called Haiku Deck. Sounds lovely doesn't it? The power of marketing is immense. And scary, too. I am not usually duped (no, of course I didn't actually pay for anything, I almost never do, if I can avoid it). Still, the wee slideshow was quite good fun to make - it will probably be the only one I ever do. There's a first and last time for everything. |
December 2024