I find the alphabet a helpful structure in my writing, so when I came to write a list of what I feel grateful for over the past twelve months, I turned to it again to help me. It didn't let me down. A is for Art and creativity – admittedly, this has come in waves, but at times has been very helpful in keeping me moving forward. B is for Black Isle Correspondent, daily videos from; a little bit of madness, kindness and real life every day, especially during the first lockdown. Grateful thanks to Anna Massie. C is for Camomile tea. And cake – the making and partaking of it, the sharing of it with friends, when possible. D is for Dog. My dog for making me smile every day, and often laugh too E is for Empty beaches for walking on, I'm so lucky to live where I do. F is for Friends and family, for staying in touch G is for Growing things and gardening. H is for Hugs - the ones we had before it all started, which we didn't know were so precious, and the illicit ones which were all the more precious for being so. I is for Isolation – that may sound strange, but living at a distance from densely populated areas gave me a feeling of safety. Also, conversely - I is for Internet, for keeping us connected. J is for Just being – some days, that was all that was required, or indeed possible. K is for Kindness – to myself and from others L is for Love from old friends and new M is for Mindfulness, learning a new way of being and practicing it. N is for Noticing nature in so many ways. The tides, the seasons, the light. O is for Oranges and occasionally olives. P is for Playing music on my mandolin. Also Photography - taking photos feels like a form of meditation to me. Q is for Quiz shows on TV, especially Only Connect and Mastermind. Monday evenings’ entertainment. R is for Refreshing my knowledge and love of languages and learning a new one or two, on Duolingo. Also, reading. Novels, poetry, familiar and new. S is for Slowing down, social media, staying in touch. Also Soup, the making and supping of it. T is for Tunes – playing old ones and writing new ones U is for Unforgotten – a cold case series on TV; totally hooked. Also old murder mysteries, the familiarity of them, the satisfying resolution. V is for Very funny radio programmes, especially some of those on at 6.30pm on Radio 4, providing lots of laughter while I make my tea. W is for Walking. Every day. Walking and the peace of it. Sometimes walking with a friend. Also for Writing; the joy of putting words together, in a poem, a story, a post. X is for Acceptance – I will cheat a little here perhaps – taking the X to mean being not being allowed to do things. Accepting the situation, the imposed restrictions, the fact that I could not travel anywhere and no-one could come here – all that. Accepting it all made it a whole lot easier to make the most of what I could still do – many of these things are listed here. Y is for Yes – saying yes to new things, to taking part in online workshops and courses and exhibitions. Z is for Zoom, which I hadn't heard of this time last year, but now value highly, for staying in touch and keeping things going.
December 2024