'Distant Isles III' - off to a new home via the An Talla Solais Members' Show. I hope this finds you safe and well. The past few months have been busy with supplying my stockists, as everywhere gradually opens up again. It has been good to be back at Poolewe Tuesday Market again - there are always interesting conversations to be had with visitors, as well as with my fellow stallholders. It's great to hear how many creative folk are around! Inchgowan Fine Art Inchgowan Fine Art is opposite The Old Inn, just along from Gairloch Harbour, over the old bridge. I'm delighted to announce that I now have artwork on show at a lovely local gallery - Inchgowan Fine Art in Gairloch (formerly Solas Gallery). There's some framed work on the walls, mounted work in a browser and smaller framed and mounted work - all original watercolours and mixed media. The two paintings shown below - 'Coastal 6' and 'Shore 1' are currently on show there. There is an interesting mix of work by several artists - well worth a visit! New stockist The gift shop at Gairloch Filling Station has recently been extended and revamped into a great space. Happy to say I have some items available there - selected mug, coaster and greetings card designs. Open Monday - Saturday 8.30am - 5.30pm. New work - new directions I recently submitted some work to the Society of Scottish Artists (SSA), of which I'm a member, in a new format for me - moving image, or more specifically, a film poem. It's called 'Sand'. I've spent a lot of time walking on sandy beaches (very lucky, I know) over the past couple of years, which inspired the (spoken) words and images. I am delighted to say that my piece has been selected to be shown in an online exhibition on the SSA website in August! I'm very happy with this outcome, as I'd been keen to combine words and images (and other sounds) for a while and this provided an ideal opportunity. The theme for the open call was "A Space Between'. I'll let you know when it's available to view online. Sand photograph - a still image from my first film poem. Coming Soon .... Do you still send postcards when you're away on holiday? I know, I know, we've forgotten what it's like to be away on holiday. Here's hoping you get to travel before too long. I was away for a break last week, in another beautiful part of Scotland - yes, there are definitely other beautiful parts - and it was so refreshing to have a change of scene. We don't need to go far to get the holiday feeling, I believe. Back to postcards ... there's a new project in the offing, more news soon! Keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for updates. Here's a sneak preview. As always, a selection of my work can be seen on my website. As things have opened up in recent times, I have been open for prearranged studio visits - these will recommence later this month. It's so much better to see artwork in real life than on a screen!
Thank you for your continued interest in my work. I hope you're enjoying the summer, wherever you may be. best regards Jennifer
Distant Isles I. Original watercolour on paper. 45cm x 25cm approx. Unframed. Hello. I hope this finds you safe and well and managing to find a way through what is hopefully the last part of this very trying time. Living where I do, I’m very fortunate to have beautiful beaches nearby to walk on. I do this most days, with my dog. Sometimes, if the weather is wild or wet, we venture inland a bit, walking in a sheltered glen with large trees and a burn flowing through it. I’ve taken a lot of photos over the past year of walking. Mainly on my phone, sometimes with my camera. I've posted some of these nearly every day on Instagram and less frequently on Facebook. There's a spot where I always go and stand, at the far end of one of the beaches. I now have a whole series of photos from that spot – I'm working out what to do with them. I've been doing some more writing recently, spurred on by attending (online) a wonderful week-long Arvon at Home course, called Exploring Creativity. I've posted a few poems on Instagram and also on my blog. Watch this space for further developments. I've also been updating my photography portfolio on the Photo4me website. New work and Poolewe Market I've recently spent some time in the studio, painting a few more seascapes. The first of these is shown at the top of this newsletter. I plan to add some more coastal works to the collection – these proved popular at Poolewe Tuesday Market last year. Speaking of which, we're keeping our fingers very firmly crossed that the market will be able to start for the season in early May. Of course, this will depend on the regulations in place at that time. I'll keep you posted. I'm so looking forward to getting out and about and meeting people again; I’m sure you are too! See the Seascapes Online Shop For now, my online shop is very much open. There are still some limited edition prints available, calendars are now reduced in price, and there are some new small works to choose from. There's also a wide range of greetings cards, some sketchbooks and notebooks and even keyrings. Happy browsing! Limited edition prints There are some of these still available, at sale prices. The Thistle image below is an example. To be discontinued. Shop the sale » Notebooks A variety of customised notebooks are available in my website shop (see image below) I just received some new stock, so new designs, of both notebooks and sketchbooks, will be available soon! See the notebooks » Thank you for your continued interest in my work, it's greatly appreciated.
Hope to see you soon - until then, stay safe and well. all the best Jennifer Latest NewsI don't need to to tell you we are facing difficult times just now. I hope this finds you and your loved ones well and adapting to whatever circumstances you find yourself in. In my last newsletter, I was sharing news of being part of Poolewe Tuesday Market, stocking some of my products in Cabinet at the lovely An Talla Solais Gallery in Ullapool and an exhibition of my paintings at Inverewe Garden. You can see the paintings I planned to exhibit (and more), in the gallery pages of my website. More recently, I had provided cards and sketchbooks to the shop at Gairloch Museum. None of these things is happening now, for obvious reasons. Sketchbooks and linoprintingOne of the upsides of being creative is that I never seem to find it hard to find something to do. Recently, I've been doing more linoprinting. I like the fact that I can get quite quick results. I keep things simple, which helps. Most of the printing has been of marine themed designs onto sketchbooks - gorgeous colours from Pink Pig - resulting in customised items, all with a unique, hand printed design on them. There are two sizes - little 4x4 inch ones, with good quality cartridge paper, and A5 size ones, with heavy duty watercolour paper. Yes, they're available to purchase on my website. Short StoriesI'm planning to share some more of my short stories here on my blog in the coming weeks; there's no point them sitting in a drawer for ever! I'll be posting the ones from my two self-published short story collections; some of them have been broadcast on the fabulous Two Lochs Radio station already, and some more will hopefully be shared on air there in the future. In the meantime, as always, my artwork, photography and a wide range of products are available via : Making thingsI highly recommend doing something creative during these trying times - draw, paint, write, play music. Plant seeds, and look forward to watching them grow. That's what I was doing yesterday. Or learn a language - I discovered the wonderful App, Duolingo and have been learning a bit of Gaelic, as well as brushing up on my French and German and getting going with Spanish. It's a great way to learn, very encouraging and good fun. Or make soup. Making soup is one of my go-to things when it all gets a bit too much. It feels like a time for recalibration, in so many ways.
Wishing you all the very best - thank you for your interest in my work, it is greatly appreciated. Jennifer x See my Pebbles on the Beach Facebook page for regular posts and updates. I hope this finds you well and that you have enjoyed the summer - it definitely feels as if we are moving into autumn now. I am happy to be taking part in North East Open Studios again this year - at the same venue as last year - the Phoenix Centre at Newton Dee in Bieldside, Aberdeen. There will be nine of us showing a lovely range of work - from furniture to textiles, fused glass to painting, mixed media and printmaking. We call ourselves Art at the Phoenix for this event. I am number 302 in the NEOS book. I have continued with The Shipping Forecast series of paintings and will have more of these on show, as well as small mounted works, mugs, coasters and of course greetings cards and 2020 calendars. There will be updates on my Pebbles on the Beach Facebook page throughout NEOS.
Opening Times -
I look forward to seeing you there! |
December 2024